Friday, March 30, 2012

Secret Files That Would Have Proven the Innocence of James Earl Ray

Secret Files That Would Have Proven the Innocence of James Earl Ray

In the first House Select Committee on Assassinations 1977 interview with James Earl Ray, Chief Counsel Richard Sprague agreed with Ray and his legal team that all materials concerning the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as President John F. Kennedy (including CIA, FBI and other intelligence agency files) should be made available to them as well as the committee. Mr. Sprague, Ray and Ray's legal team believed the files would produce evidence that Ray did not shoot Martin Luther King Jr.
One week later Richard Sprague was forced to resign his post because he found it impossible to do his job with the requirement that he sign a secrecy agreement before he could view the files he requested.  He did not believe he could properly investigate a US Government Department or Agency if he agreed to keep secret the proof that Ray wasn't the assassin of King.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hope Development's Struggle for the Rights of Women in Pakistan

Hope Development's Struggle for the Rights of Women in Pakistan

Hope Development’s mission is to educate and train our children in the way of peace and to empower women to become equal citizens within Pakistan. 'Equal Rights' are the key to equity, justice, and peace. Unfortunately, women in Pakistan never have had in the past nor do they now have the same rights as men in our society.

Article at:


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Could Barack Obama be assassinated opinion by Gary Revel

Could Barack Obama be assassinated opinion by Gary Revel

President Obama and Assassination

An Opinion by Gary Revel
Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.
Updated March 22, 2012
These are the foundation stones upon which the authority to operate in the material world exists. Everyone can dream of great and wonderful things happening to them and others but until we take a step to bring these dreams into the real world then they continue to be dreams with no material consequence; however, sometimes the consequences are more than the world can stand.
I once dreamed of a better world where a person could spread the good news of love, peace and charity and find acceptance in this world. That person and that dream was shattered on November 22, 1963 and again on April 4, 1968 and then again on June 5, 1968.
I continue to stand on the foundation of love but have learned that my personal relationship with my Lord is something that can only be shared when it is sought by others. The world does not want to hear about my dreams of a better world for everyone because selfishness and greed can be found in us all (yes us, we can all make mistakes).
Our present economic plight is the result of selfishness and greed in that we have allowed it because of an underlying comfort that if others can get a multimillion dollar bailout for their efforts then somehow we may end up getting a piece of it for ourselves.
What does this have to do with Obama and assassination?. Senator Obama could be assassinated if he is elected President. Those who are likely to loose the most by his dream of redistributing wealth are driven by selfishness and greed to the extent that they kill people who mess with their stuff...

More at:
Could Barack Obama be assassinated opinion by Gary Revel 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why James Earl Ray Should Have Gotten a Trial by former special investigator Gary Revel

Why James Earl Ray Should Have Gotten a Trial by former special investigator Gary Revel

James Earl Ray should have gotten a trial - Opinion by former special investigator Gary Revel

News Type: Opinion � Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:13 PM EDT 

During his Guilty Plea hearing James Earl Ray stood and addressed the court. 

'Your honor, I would like to say something. I don't want to change anything I have said, but I just want to enter one other thing. The only thing that I have to say is that I can't agree with Mr. Clark.' 

2 things here - and I asked James about this myself. He said, 'I don't want to change anything I have said,..' What he meant about anything I have said, and he will refer to this again shortly, is that he had said that he was 'legally guilty' as explained to him by his attorney - his attorney had explained it to him this way; James, your an escaped convict and were at the scene, they found the murder weapon (Which was a lie, to this day the gun cannot be proven to be the murder weapon.) and can prove you bought it and it has at least one of your fingerprints. 

Entire Article at: Why James Earl Ray Should Have Gotten a Trial by former special investigator Gary Revel

Gary Revel
254 207-0955

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mystery Helicopter disrupts police during Riot in Memphis during March 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. March

On March 28, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was leading a protest march on Main Street in Memphis Tennessee when all hell broke loose. He had come to Memphis to help the garbage collection employees of the city of Memphis in their strike for better wages and safer working conditions. Garbage collectors had been seriously hurt and some killed due to the lack of training and dangerous trucks they worked on. They were paid meagerly by the city and most of them were black. Martin Luther King Jr. was asked to come and help them and he did. Few people realized that the danger wasn't just for the garbage workers but within a week of this day that started out as a march and ended up in rioting and mayhem King himself would be shot down and killed in Memphis. Now April 4, 1968 lives in infamy but the day that really set the framework for the coming tragedy was this day, March 28, 1968, when gunshots began ringing out in Memphis in the mid-morning and continued until late in the evening.

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A Gary Revel Commentary
254 207-0955

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why and How the CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

Why and How the CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

Opinion by Gary Revel 

Security guard, Frank Wills, thought something was amiss when he found that several locks in a Watergate building were taped back.  It was June 17, 1972 and later he would tell the story of what happened that night.  To summarize, he freed the locks from the tape and within an hour they were taped back again, so he called the police.  Five men would be arrested and by morning it would become the cause of one of the most scandalous events of the last century. Eventually it would bring down a President of the United States and cast a suspicion over shadowy contract CIA types that still exists today. 

The men had been arrested inside the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) office.  They were; Frank SturgisJames McCord, Bernard Barker, Eugenio Martinez and Virgilio Gonzalez.  They were later indicted along with their supervisors E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy


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Gary Revel