Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An Epistle to my Southern Family, Friends and Neighbors by Gary Revel.

An Epistle to my Southern Family, Friends and Neighbors by Gary Revel.

An Epistle to my Family, Friends and Neighbors of the South

If I were to say something like, "Ya'll might wanna set down, take your shoes off, and look this over; maybe even read it if you feel up to it." most of you would feel at home right away. If you didn't then you are probably not one of those that it aims to entertain.

I was born in Florala, Alabama and grew up amongst Southerners in Lower Alabama, Northwest Florida, Central Florida, Southern Georgia, and Southern Mississippi. Other than one Summer's ride to St. Louis to load watermelons on trains and one Summer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and the trips to and from those destinations, the extent of my exposure was mostly of a Deep South nature.

I watched with utter contempt and a staggering feeling of empathy for real Patriots and Real Americans as KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and White Nationalists betrayed themselves and every other American in the senseless circus of hate this past week in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Being a Southerner myself and having seen the hate, discrimination, bigotry and prejudice as a child that was a way of life for most Southerners and directed against not only African Americans but also Catholics and Jews I am disheartened and shocked that we as a nation of reasonable, and, should be, fair minded Americans haven't gotten past this yet.

The fact that our New York City born and bred President of the United States of America is deliberately fanning the flames of hate and taking advantage of innocent folks who really don't any better than to believe in their President, no matter what hate-filled or ridiculous position he promulgates, is enough to make every thinking person applaud an early exit for the man.

The injudiciousness of his recent statements that would pretend to align the values of those who once fought and died to destroy the United States of America (and to my sadness of which my ancestors were part of) with the values of our Forefathers, namely, our first President, George Washington and President Thomas Jefferson isn't just an assault on moral conciousness but an assault on every decent minded American.

I am not getting on any kind of holier than thou soapbox because I grew up thinking that some of these ideas of 'seperate but equal' might have been right but thank God I grew out of that delusion.

Even though I have lived in New York City, Los Angeles, Hollywood and many other vibrant Non-Southern cities in the United States I still have a bit of Alabama in me, especially Lower Alabama. The old saying that, "Your only as big as what it takes to get your goat." kind of spins around in my head right now and I don't want to let President Trump's lack of moral strength get the best of me, however, I must take a stand and tell the world that President Trump does not speak for red-bloodied Patriotic American Southerners. His lack of moral purpose and loss of his moral compass is far and away from decent, law abiding, God and Country loving Southerners and we are not KKK, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, or White Nationalists. We are real Patriots who believe in the United States of America and will do whatever is necessary to protect our flag, our honor and our National Security.


Gary Revel 

n Epistle to my Fa

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug, book by Mary Cohen/Jongleur Music Book Publishing

The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug, book by Mary Cohen/Jongleur Music Book Publishing

Hillary finds the Fort Knox Gold and in the process happens upon a submarine. It opens a world to her that she had never dreamed could exist. This amazing adventure takes Hillary deep under the ocean in the most advanced submarine. Attacks by giant sharks, a starfish and an octopus are among the dangers. Admiral Jack becomes a friend and they plan on keeping in touch. All that, a nuclear war and the City Under the Ice in Antarctica give Hillary much to explore, dream and think about for the future.

Monday, May 22, 2017



With the hiring of former FBI Director Robert Mueller at the wake of the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey and the revelations of Trump's campaign conspiring with Russian Oligarchy and Intelligence assets comes a worrisome mix for our President. I am one who gives honor to the office of President of the United States no matter who is holding it. Since LBJ's conspiratorial mix that helped take JFK out and President Nixon's corrupt and criminal reign I have not seen anything even similar to this. The out-right refusal to try to operate in a legal framework or serious neglect (not likely but possibly some ignorance) in trying to obey the law is now the norm for our White House. And even in that Donald Trump is still our President and should be accorded all the privileges and support that involves.

Trump Firing of Comey; Disturbing; now with Mueller introduction, Comey Fired Mueller Hired Trump Trumped

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Matt Drudge Warns President Donald Trump

Matt Drudge Warns President Donald Trump

  "It wasn't a perfect campaign, there is no such thing, but I was on the  way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28  and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were  inclined to vote for me and got scared off," Hillary said. Matt Drudge of Drudge Report says, "The evidence for  that intervening event is, I think, compelling, persuasive, and so we  overcame a lot in the campaign."
Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report says, "We never got 1 damaging leak out of Obama White House staff in 8 years. Under Trump, they appear hourly. BIG DANGER. Small leaks sink ships!! 

Matt Drudge Warns President Donald Trump

Matt Drudge Warns President Donald Trump

   "It wasn't a perfect campaign, there is no such thing, but I was on the  way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28  and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were  inclined to vote for me and got scared off," Hillary said. Matt Drudge of Drudge Report says, "The evidence for  that intervening event is, I think, compelling, persuasive, and so we  overcame a lot in the campaign."
Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report says, "We never got 1 damaging leak out of Obama White House staff in 8 years. Under Trump, they appear hourly. BIG DANGER. Small leaks sink ships!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

February 2006 News Release-Gary Revel Investigation of the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

February 2006 News Release-Gary Revel Investigation of the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Update: April 10, 2017

Killeen, Texas USA


Note: Each year on April 4 my mind can't help but remember the
disturbing facts of the corrupted case against James Earl Ray. Below
the line is a transcript of an interview by CBS Newsman, Bill Stout and
MLK killing witness Charlie Stevens. It's self explanatory.


Charlie Stephens was interviewed on April 18, 1968, by CBS news
correspondent, Bill Stout, and was shown a picture of James Earl Ray.
Here is the denial that the shooter was Ray in the witnesses own words.

STOUT: Mr. Stephens, what do you think of that picture? Does that look
like the man?
STEPHENS: Well--[clears throat]--Excuse me—from the glimpse that I—that I
got of his profile, it doesn't.
STOUT: It Doesn't?
STEPHENS: Certainly—No, sir, it certainly doesn't. For one thing, he's
too heavy. His face is too full. He has too much hair, and his nose is
too wide—from the glimpse that, as I said, that I got of his profile.
But that definitely, I would say, is not the—the guy.

End of Stout/Stephens interview transcript...